go here https://developer.apple.com/devcenter/ios/index.action#
Click on iOS Beta, scroll down and find the link for your device (iPad 2 in my case - 1.4GB download) which for some reason didn't want to come down on Chrome, so I switched to Safari instead.
While that's downloading, I assumed I needed to register my device, clicked through various links, combed the organizer in XCode for an elusive 'Use for Development' link, then finally discovered that it doesn't exist anymore. Just manually register in the Dev Center and you'll be able to deploy straight to the iPad (once it's upgraded)
To upgrade the iPad plug it into your laptop and open iTunes (if it doesn't automatically). Click on the summary view (in my case, just click on the ipad's name on the nav bar) back up to somewhere (or don't, if you're cavalier about these things), then Option+click on check for updates (obscure..), select the ipsw file and off it goes.
If you get a 'firmware not compatible' error then the chances are you've downloaded the wrong ipsw - double-check you've picked the right model when you chose the iOS 8 download.
Right. Now to actually write something in Swift!
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